Panchayat Union Primary School, Velliampalayampudur, Bhavanisagar Block, Kothamangalam village, Erode District. 638451
Tamilnadu, India.
With the dedicated support of the school Headmaster, Mrs. K. Padmasini, our organization procured and provided the following essential items. The students’ excitement and appreciation during our visit to the school, as captured in the linked video, were truly heartening. We extend our sincere gratitude to Mrs. K. Padmasini and the school management for granting us this invaluable opportunity. The time spent engaging with the students was immensely rewarding and will be cherished by our team.
Aakkam Foundation remains committed to supporting schools in need and creating a positive impact on the education and lives of students. We express our sincere thanks to all those involved in making this collaboration a success.
Panchayat Union Primary School, Velliampalayampudur, Bhavanisagar Block, Kothamangalam village, Erode District. 638451
Tamilnadu, India.
With the dedicated support of the school Headmaster, Mrs. K. Padmasini, our organization procured and provided the following essential items. The students’ excitement and appreciation during our visit to the school, as captured in the linked video, were truly heartening. We extend our sincere gratitude to Mrs. K. Padmasini and the school management for granting us this invaluable opportunity. The time spent engaging with the students was immensely rewarding and will be cherished by our team.
Aakkam Foundation remains committed to supporting schools in need and creating a positive impact on the education and lives of students. We express our sincere thanks to all those involved in making this collaboration a success.